Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

This is me


The Endless as Super Heroes

Artwork by Ilias Kyriazis

Semi-related: Every so often, rumors of a new Sandman production swirl around. I've said it before, I'll say it again. Paul Bettany is Morpheus, and Anna Friel is Death. Currently, the internet wants Benedict Cumberbatch as Dream, and I can see it and wouldn't be unhappy with it, it's just that he's one of the go to "it" guys right now. Another name currently rumoring is Joseph Gordon Levitt. I'm a huge fan of the JGL, but I don't really see him in an Endless role. Maybe play against type and cast him as the Corinthian or Lucien? Tilda Swinton often comes up for Desire, which is good, but I think she's a bit too old for the role (sorry). I simply refuse to give ground on Anna Friel as Death though--there is NOONE better for that role, and all she has to do is basically play her Chuck character from Pushing Daisies again. Tom Waits is Cain, and Mark Boone Junior is Abel, and I would simply love to see those two play off each other. Destiny can be almost anyone, though I've seen Mads Mikkelsen suggested. I don't really have good casting ideas for Delirium, Destruction and Despair, though Despair is going to be tough. Delirium was kind of based off of Tori Amos, and I've always thought Cate Blanchett could play Tori Amos, but again, she's too old (or should I say distinguished?), for the role. Destruction needs to be more than a Hollywood pretty boy. He's a bit older, and has a yin-yang mix of world-weariness and passion.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Entombed - Vulture and the Traitor

Well, this didn't stay up long; I'll repost as soon as I find another one.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Svart Crown - Genesis Architect

WARNING!!!--At 3:12, I become Godzilla, destroying cities and swatting planes out of the sky.  This band is a filthy beast.  A mix of early 90s Pestilence and Entombed, mixed with the modern-day brilliance of Deathspell Omega.